Kuala Selangor (b)
Continue from the above post.. At nite hoh, we went to steamboat there to have meal with other staff lor. That day was the first time I eat crab by using my hand (because most of the time I ate crab meat from sharkfin soup or from other "source"). So me very noob and asked yeeling how to eat crab de leg. haha. So cham, then hoh, got "heh gor" also lor then one of the staff taught us how to keluarkan the "skin" because last time i went pg eat steamboat that time i dunno how to open the skin also.. haha.. learning a lot by that steamboat...
After that, we went to see firefly (ying huo chong) lor, wahh rm10 per person.. siao eh.. I called my mama about the firefly lo, she said no need scare the crocodile one wor, cuz last time boh bun.. So this time i quite scared, but still went to see, the river was so calm altho the sampan got motor because the guy din open the motor very until loudly.. Wow, the trees were very beautiful, they were full of firefly.. like christmas tree lor.. just not like the real christmas tree so shining.. got mosquitoes also lor.. altho the river there quite dark and only got the moonlight, but of course still can kua tio the river...and got things floated at the river lor.. dunno wat lai.. >.<" so scare got crocodiles.. haha. After that, the small jetty there hoh got one tree, that tree also got many firefly. then yeeling caught it in her hand and the firefly was so so small so once you opened it, it would fly away. After that, she caught tio another one, then ms ng caught that after yeeling's one flew out, then too bad she so "cruel" terpress tio firefly's wing and made the firefly handicap adi (left one wing).. cannot fly adi T_T pity the firefly...
After that, we stayed overnite at staff, Angie de mother-in-law's house. The house very big and got 4 rooms.. fuiyo.. 3 of us slept at one room lor, me and yeeling sleep on the big bed and Clarence sleep at the floor to "protect" us. LOL... Angie got said hoh if we woke middle of the nite and heard tio any sound because of the chickens and ducks the mother-in-law reared. Then I really heard the ducks "quek quek quek" haha..
The next morning, we ate char shao fan as the breakfast then angie's husband brought us to see those padi farm. Wow the padi farm so so greeny as the padi is still "young" and short short.. so very greeny lo and beautiful. Her husband said those greeny de is chinese people one, after we went further abit the farm boh padi one then is malay and indian one, because they were lazy lor, but still can catch up with the chinese people wor... lazy malay and indian ^^
Then, we went to fish village lo... Quite dirty and many fishes of course, many people went there to buy fish lor. Then hoh, normally the "heh gor" we saw is the "standard size" one.. but there hoh can see the rear de "heh gor" very very big loo.. how to say "heh gor" in english?? haha.. Then those people got go sidai the ikan masin, then got crow eating the fishes there.. omg.. >.<"
Then we guys all very hot liao, so after back to angie de house there, i faster bath lor while clarence and yeeling adi gao gao ju liao. Without waiting my hair dry, I slept as well. Then wake to eat a bit then went to sleep again. I reached klang adi 6pm something.. haha..
Anyway nice trip ooo...but stay there can bore till death T_T
At 11:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
Weeeeee =) number one!
why didn't the fireflies pay to see you? I thought that was nature, they actually make a profit out of it -.-
At 1:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
haha.. dunno loo.. only one part got firefly oni.. weird. other side got no firefly one.. is it they rear or something..
At 4:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
wah...so nice de trip....but where is kuala selangor?=_=?aiiikss....
bring me to cut hair leh....
At 11:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
yer bats.. later dabian on ur head..
At 2:26 PM,
Rain Sense said…
Wah!! BATs lerr...later bite u guys..
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