Forget the ppl in the Past & Thanks them for Hurting u...
Learn to love the people who are with you at present.
Forget the people in the past and thank them for hurting you,
which led you to love the people you have right now.
Everything in life is temporary because everything changes.That is why it takes courage to love, knowing it might end anytime...having faith will make it last.
Love is not the right word to say when you feel guilty nor the right word to say when you like a person but love really matters when we share our thoughts, minds and hearts...
If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.
Never be afraid to fall in love.It may hurt a lot, it may give you aches and pain, but if you don't follow your heart; in the end you will cry even more for not giving love a chance.
The past is meant to be used as a tool for the future. Bad experiences indeed make you bitter but the lessons learned should make you better.
A love is easy to feel, so hard to explain; so easy to get, so hard to let go; so easy to spell; so hard to define...and yet everyone is still taking the risk.
It hurts to see someone you love happy with somebody else; but wouldn't it hurt you more to see that person unhappy...with you?
When you find arms that will hold you at your weakest, eyes that will see you at your ugliest, lips that will kiss you in both instances, and a heart that will love you at your worst, then you have found true love.
Someday, someone might come into your life and love you in a way you always wanted.
If your someday was yesterday.. LEARN
If your someday is tomorrow.. HOPE
If your someday is today.. CHERISH
At 11:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
pro essay!~
At 3:38 PM,
Rain Sense said…
Can't forget wor ... Charm :P
At 3:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
ban ban lai.. :)
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